Thursday, April 30, 2009


The view from Farineris today was amazingly beautiful. Finally after so much rain, we woke up with sun and all around us the Alps in snow. Beautiful.
And we did a lot of gardening. Flowers, flowers , flowers and long , long mowing.
And we had a lot of fun all together. And learned new interesting/funny tasks.
Our guests arrive tomorrow afternoon and stay over the weekend.
We have fine tuning to be done to the menus, and then we are done with the preparation.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Rain, rain ...rain

It has now been raining for days , weeks here in Piemonte.

The forecast says tomorrow should be nice again. I really hope so.

We will have some guests here in Farineris on the weekend, and we are stuck with the preparation. So many plans... A full program is available, just the weather must support.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Friciula di Polenta

We often have Polenta here. And we always have some leftover. And I love when I can find the best use of it.There is one recipe I am really proud of – Friciula di Polenta. I would translate it as Polenta fritters. This specific version of the recipe was passed from generation to generation in my family. I remember my grand father teaching it to my mother and my mother to me! Here we go :
Combine the polenta leftover with some pizza dough prepared in advanced. Then add some baking powder, and salt.

Knead and knead and knead

....till the right consistency is achieved

Form the fritters and put them to fry for 3 to 4 minutes per side in abundant olive oil .
Transfer to serving plate, and keep warm until all fritters are done.
Salt, pepper and .....

Monday, April 20, 2009

Farineris .......we are coming !!

Ten hours driving from Vienna to Castagnole.
- on the road -
... and we arrived on Friday evening.
I will stay here in Farineris with my 2 kids for one month!
Long walks, relaxing days ... and a lot of planning for my next projects.

Sweet dreams.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Even if we are an Italian family, this year the "Osterhase" (Easter Bunny) stopped at our place with a basket full of painted eggs! He hided them in our garden on Saturday evening.....and on the Easter morning L. began to look for them. Smile on her face, each egg found was real happiness. ...yellow , green , blue , red ...colors we have all around in this beautiful springtime - renewal of life. This is one of the Austrian tradition I love and of course as Italian mother living in this country I try to follow it the best I can - for our family , for my kids.